Wednesday 19 December 2018

3 Duties of a Pharmacist

Yale Mendelson
There are a number of duties that a pharmacist has to perform on regular basis and they have to make sure that they do all their tasks with the best possible way. They have great responsibilities on their shoulders. Therefore, it is quite important for them to pay close attention to their work because their job is associated with a field where they are bound to help and serve humanity and they need to make sure that they do not take any such step that might eventually harm someone. It is the duty of every pharmacist that they ensure that they do their tasks in the right way and they serve people in the best possible manner and help them get better, not worse. A pharmacist performs various different duties. This article will highlight the most important duties that a pharmacist carries out on regular basis. 

Checking the quality of medicines being offered to the patient:

An important duty of the pharmacist is that they evaluate that the medicines are good to use. Before actually sending the medicine to the market and getting it sold, they are responsible for doing a number of experiments and tests in order to ensure that the medicine is safe and will help the patients cure their disease. They need to ensure that the medicine does not involve any major side effects and they also have to make sure that the medicine will not harm anyone in any case. 

Making sure that medicine is allowed to be supplied:

Another important duty that a pharmacist has to perform is that they have to ensure that a certain medicine is permissible by law to be supplied in the market. As a matter of fact, there are certain kinds of medicines that are not allowed to be supplied because they involve in them certain side effects and they are quite dangerous to be sold in the market. Therefore, it is the duty of the pharmacist that they make sure that every medicine that is being sold is allowed to be supplied in the market.

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