Thursday 9 May 2019

5 Traits of an Effective Pharmacist!

Yale Mendelson
Choosing pharmacology as a career option is indeed very exciting. The chances of growth in this field are endless. Plus you get to make a lot of money as well. But unlike other fields, this one requires a completely different and specific set of traits that will make you the most suitable candidate. Following are the five most important traits of a good pharmacist. If anyone has some of these major characteristics, he can become a very effective pharmacist.

A humble and compassionate person:

The field of health demands a person to be compassionate for the people. Being a pharmacist you are responsible for making the people comfortable and helping them out. Understanding everything that they have to share is very important. To be a good pharmacist you must have a passion to help other people in need.

Good Communication skills:

In order to understand your patients and provide them with the best quality instructions, you need to have good communication skills. There is no use of your knowledge if you are not able to make people understand what they need to do. If you are a pharmacist or planning to become one, this is the area you should definitely work on.

Strong personal morals and ethics:

It is very important for a pharmacist to be ethical. You need to understand the laws and regulations of the area that you are working in. Understanding the needs of a patient and still not being supportive of potential drug abusers is a mandatory trait of a good pharmacist. Make sure that you do not indulge in any illegal activity including the purchase or sale of substandard medicines. Ethics will be the biggest support for you to be successful in this field. 

Attentive towards the details:

A pharmacist should be very attentive and understand every detail of the problem. Even minor things can make a big difference in this field, the more vigilant you are the more success you’ll get. 

Very patient and tolerant:

At times it becomes very difficult to deal with patients because of a number of reasons. They might ask a lot of question, might have a bad temper or anything of that sort. A pharmacist should be patient and tolerant of the people he is dealing with. This is very important not only for a pharmacist but also for every other health care professional.  

Monday 4 February 2019

5 Conducts Of Smart Pharmacists

Yale Mendelson
Pharmacists have to perform a lot of duties on a regular basis. Their job is quite tough and requires so much of attention. They are the ones who can suggest a patient on whether or not they should use a certain medicine. They are part of a field that directly relates to the lives of people. Therefore, a single mistake made by a pharmacist can have a big effect on the life of a person. A pharmacist has to have a set of skills in him to be able to perform his job in the best possible way. This article will help readers know about some important conducts and habits of smart pharmacists. 


A smart pharmacist is always proactive. We all know that we cannot control each and every situation and sometimes such circumstances arise where we have to take some important decisions rapidly. During such situations, we have to ensure that we take the right decision at right time. smart pharmacists always have a backup plan in their mind for such situations so that they can deal with such situations effectively. 

Create a win-win situation:

Smart pharmacists always try to look towards win-win situations. They try to make sure that the steps they take turn out to be generating a win-win situation where nobody has to suffer. 

Welcoming the suggestions of an expert:

An effective pharmacist is the one who always considers taking help and suggestions from those who have expertise in the field. They always try to take the help of their seniors considering that they are expert in the field and have more knowledge, understanding, and experience as compared to them. 

Not making the same mistakes again:

Another common habit of smart pharmacists is that they always try to learn from their mistakes and they try to make sure that they do not make the same mistakes over and over again. They keep this in mind that their one mistake can ruin the life of a person. Therefore, they make sure that a mistake once made is not made again.


A smart pharmacist has the common habit of foreseeing the side effects of a certain drug. Apart from foreseeing the side effects, he can also observe the changes that are made in the body during and after taking certain medications.

Wednesday 19 December 2018

3 Duties of a Pharmacist

Yale Mendelson
There are a number of duties that a pharmacist has to perform on regular basis and they have to make sure that they do all their tasks with the best possible way. They have great responsibilities on their shoulders. Therefore, it is quite important for them to pay close attention to their work because their job is associated with a field where they are bound to help and serve humanity and they need to make sure that they do not take any such step that might eventually harm someone. It is the duty of every pharmacist that they ensure that they do their tasks in the right way and they serve people in the best possible manner and help them get better, not worse. A pharmacist performs various different duties. This article will highlight the most important duties that a pharmacist carries out on regular basis. 

Checking the quality of medicines being offered to the patient:

An important duty of the pharmacist is that they evaluate that the medicines are good to use. Before actually sending the medicine to the market and getting it sold, they are responsible for doing a number of experiments and tests in order to ensure that the medicine is safe and will help the patients cure their disease. They need to ensure that the medicine does not involve any major side effects and they also have to make sure that the medicine will not harm anyone in any case. 

Making sure that medicine is allowed to be supplied:

Another important duty that a pharmacist has to perform is that they have to ensure that a certain medicine is permissible by law to be supplied in the market. As a matter of fact, there are certain kinds of medicines that are not allowed to be supplied because they involve in them certain side effects and they are quite dangerous to be sold in the market. Therefore, it is the duty of the pharmacist that they make sure that every medicine that is being sold is allowed to be supplied in the market.

Thursday 15 November 2018

Role of a Pharmacist and MTM!

Yale Mendelson
The pharmacist has a broader role and they must be analyzed by keeping in view their broader functions. It is important to assess the role of the pharmacist in MTM. This is a great therapy mechanism that has multiple components that are mentioned below:

The primary components of MTM

Following are some mutually agreed primary components of MTM:
  • Analyzing the existing medications that a patient is receiving:
    Pharmacist has to assess what the patient is taking and how it can be altered in order to enhance the effectiveness of the medicine. This will help them in assessing the effect of the medicine on the patient as well and what should be added further will be known too. 
  • Evaluating all the problems faced by the patient concerning the medications being received:
    Most of the patients have a different kind of reactions by taking different medicines. In addition, at times the reactions are so worse that the patient may have to go to the hospital. Therefore, it is essential to understand the significance of different reactions that can be caused as a result of taking different medicines. 
  • Keeping a record of all the patient related information:
    This is one of the most leading things, in this case, owing to the fact that patient’s history will allow you to have a sound knowledge regarding the previous medication and its reaction on the patient. 
Identification of cases where the intrusion is required:  

The broader input of pharmacist:

Here are some other works that are done by the pharmacists:
  • Supplying medicines to animals and checking their quality:
    Pharmacists not just deal with the medicine of humans; rather they also deal with medicines that are given to animals and also check their quality. They assess the values of different components in the medicine and how it may affect the one taking it.
  • Taking into account the history of the patients:
    It is also the duty of pharmacist to get to know about the past history and the current condition of the patient before handing them over a medicine. If a pharmacist does not have any background history, he must check the vitals of the patient.
-Yale Mendelson

Friday 5 October 2018

Top Traits of a Great Leader!

Yale Mendelson

If you want to become an effective leader, here are the top traits that you need to follow. A great leader knows his worth and he is quite accustomed to his potentials. Apart from knowing the needs and requirements of his people, the leader knows his own weaknesses and needs too. Here are the few top traits of great leaders!

Never quit:

Great leaders are those who never give up or quit even in the face of highly complex and difficult circumstances. They stand tall and determined not to give up no matter how difficult the time is. They always think about solutions and finding a way out instead of quitting or running away. 


To be a great leader, you need to be very empathetic of other people’s experiences and circumstances. You should always place yourself in the position of the other person so that you can see things through his perspective and can understand things in a better way. 


A great leader should have a great sense of responsibility. He should be conscious of his roles and duties and should perform them timely and in the right way. A leader is someone who leads others, therefore, he must set a great example for others so that those who look up to him can benefit from his practices. Be responsible so that your followers can learn to become responsible too. 

Knows how to communicate:

Great leaders know how to ensure an effective communication. They know what to talk about when to talk about something, how to talk and how not to talk. They tend to welcome others to share their ideas and embrace criticism so gracefully. They know what kind of content is needed at a certain time to achieve certain goals. They understand their audiences, their needs, and concerns and then shape their discourse in light of that so that they can win as many hearts as possible. Communication is a two-way process which can be successful if both the receiver and sender participate well in the process. A good leader always ensures that he listens carefully and impart his ideas smartly.