Friday 5 October 2018

Top Traits of a Great Leader!

Yale Mendelson

If you want to become an effective leader, here are the top traits that you need to follow. A great leader knows his worth and he is quite accustomed to his potentials. Apart from knowing the needs and requirements of his people, the leader knows his own weaknesses and needs too. Here are the few top traits of great leaders!

Never quit:

Great leaders are those who never give up or quit even in the face of highly complex and difficult circumstances. They stand tall and determined not to give up no matter how difficult the time is. They always think about solutions and finding a way out instead of quitting or running away. 


To be a great leader, you need to be very empathetic of other people’s experiences and circumstances. You should always place yourself in the position of the other person so that you can see things through his perspective and can understand things in a better way. 


A great leader should have a great sense of responsibility. He should be conscious of his roles and duties and should perform them timely and in the right way. A leader is someone who leads others, therefore, he must set a great example for others so that those who look up to him can benefit from his practices. Be responsible so that your followers can learn to become responsible too. 

Knows how to communicate:

Great leaders know how to ensure an effective communication. They know what to talk about when to talk about something, how to talk and how not to talk. They tend to welcome others to share their ideas and embrace criticism so gracefully. They know what kind of content is needed at a certain time to achieve certain goals. They understand their audiences, their needs, and concerns and then shape their discourse in light of that so that they can win as many hearts as possible. Communication is a two-way process which can be successful if both the receiver and sender participate well in the process. A good leader always ensures that he listens carefully and impart his ideas smartly. 

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